Anderson Property InspectionS
Founded in 2007, Anderson Property Inspections is a firm that specializes in environmental testing, regulatory consultation, expert witness testimony and third party insurance claim assistance.
API consults on projects ranging from simple bathroom renovations to multi-million dollar commercial building restoration projects. With over 45 years of combined experience we offer one of the most seasoned, efficient and accurate options for these types of environmental surveys and home inspections in southern Colorado. It is critical for us to maintain a good reputation with the regulatory bodies that oversee our industry. Consequently, we have forged a strong relationship with the Colorado Department of Health and Environment as well as the individual state inspectors. This enables us to navigate complex situations or issues when they arise along with assuring we are in compliance with the associated regulatory agencies.
We take place emphasis on science concerning mold inspections focusing primarily on -visual/olfactory inspections, moisture detection/mapping and appropriate remediation techniques. We do not subscribe to the vast array of snake oil being peddled by the majority of "mold inspectors". This includes the vast majority of snapshot air quality sampling or new fangled even less reliable particulate counters. API advises on a case by case basis due to our approach as many people are misinformed regarding both the actual prevalence and dangers posed by various mold/fungal species. In complex cases, we consult with one of the foremost forensic industrial hygienists in Colorado from which the majority of our methodology for our inspection work has been derived.
If you are considering us for mold consultation work please contact us so we can better evaluate your individual needs.
More recently we have launched a new endeavor of content creation. We have published multiple Anderson Property Guides on the Amazon platform, created courses on (Platform placeholder) for homeowner education, asbestos building inspectors, real estate professionals and insurance adjusters.
In addition, you can find educational posts and videos us on Youtube, Instagram, Twitter, Facebook and Tiktok.
Thank you for stopping by and don't hesitate to send us an email or DM over social media if you have a specific question, we may feature it in an upcoming video!
Ted and Shannon

Ted Anderson
Ted has been involved in property evaluation since 2000. His career started in earnest as a mid-loss adjuster for a major insurance carrier. During his tenure he became the Senior Property Adjuster for the local branch office. Ted has authored the firms report formats. our first ebook guide and manages quality assurance. This role has lead the firm to be free of any NOV's or civil penalties over thousands of surveys since inception in 2007. He has provided hazardous waste management for mutiple multi-million dollar commercial projects and consults in budgetary planning meetings for civic rehabilitation endeavours. Ted graduated from the University of Colorado in Boulder with a BA in Cognitive Psychology in 1998.

Shannon Anderson
Managing Director
Shannon comes from a property inspection background having been a CAT/Property adjuster for a major carrier in the early 2000's. She adjusted large losses during hurricanes Katrina and Rita and was the first to leave the company to start API in 2007. She established our firm from the beginning and has been steadfast in ensuring our customer service quality and business relationship success. After graduating from the University of Denver with a degree in Sociology she has earned her Masters in Public Administration from the University of Colorado. Today she spends half her time aiding in administration of API and the other half pursuing a small business consulting practice.

Rick Sinchak
Abatement Consultant
Rick has been a key player in the Colorado asbestos industry since 1991. He was instrumental in establishing one of the most prominent abatement companies along the front range. Rick supervised several multi-million dollar commercial and industrial asbestos removal projects all over the state as well as conducted many successful projects on local military bases with the most stringent regulatory compliance. His in depth knowledge of the regulations and abatement process is tapped frequently by our clients and contractors. Rick also has experience as a CAT adjuster and spent months on the east coast assisting with large losses associated with the aftermath of hurricane Sandy. We have utilized Rick's extensive for complex surveys and abatement consultations for the past decade.